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More than 200.000 Russian women waiting for you here!
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We have a unique anti-scam program that helps us keep our site free from scammers. We keep alert to spamming and keep our site free to guarantee your online safety. You can use our site with complete confidence.

Instant compatibility rate

Russian women are waiting for you. With so much choice our unique PI test compares 25 factors to achieve accurate, scientific results. It compares your details with the profiles of our single Russian women to calculate your compatibility score. You will find the PI compatibility score beside each woman’s photo so that you can be confident of finding your perfect match.

Online translator

Language is no barrier. It is easy to talk to any woman on the site. Although some women from Russia do not speak English our online translation service means that you can write to each other with confidence. This service is absolutely free, even for non-members.

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Ask our dedicated support manager any questions you have about site. She is happy to suggest the best ways to navigate and search to find Russian women looking for men. CHAT NOW!

Russian women for marriage

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Hints and Tips for searching this site.
1. Don’t judge Russian brides by their photos alone.
Glamorous photos of hot Russian women are bound to make you stop for a second look. By all means get in touch, there are many beautiful Russian women and Russian girls. However don’t make the mistake of going for a photo alone. We have found that 20% of Russian brides on our site get 80% of the attention – serious odds if you are looking for success. russian womanTake some time to think about what you may be missing out on. Look a little deeper at a woman’s interests and outlook and what you are both looking for. Our unique PI test helps calculate your compatibility not just physically but psychologically too. Make use of this valuable information. If you are serious about finding a wife or long-term relationship it is important to know that your personalities are in tune. You want to find a woman who is positive, cheerful and good fun to be with. And remember that some Russian women just take a better photograph. We recently heard from a man in Spain who was disappointed when he met up with some single Russian women who had looked like models in their photographs. In real life they turned out to be nothing special. Then, he made a visit to Russia. Women he saw on the streets of St Petersburg struck him with their natural beauty. The difference was that these were relaxed, happy women who were not tired out after a hard day’s work and felt cared for and confident in themselves.
2. Don’t assume a model makes the best marriage material.
It’s only natural that you would love to have a beautiful Russian woman to show off to your friends. But remember that you are choosing the woman you will live with. Other qualities are important too such as warmth, kindness and faithfulness. More ordinary looking Russian brides may well be more sincere about their relationship rather than simply seeking attention and admiration. russian women personals It is very rare to find the ‘perfect woman’ who combines stunning looks with a friendly personality and a genuine desire for intimacy. Take into account what you have to offer yourself as there will be more chemistry and chances for long-term success when a couple is equally matched. There is a traditional Russian joke which sums this up. Two men are sitting by the fireplace. Looking into the fire the first man says "I never married" "Why?" the second man asks. "Because I was always searching for my perfect woman" "You never found her then?" "Oh yes, I found her …but I was not her perfect man!" Remember to be realistic in your search if you wish to find permanent happiness.
3. Remember to be satisfied!
russian women for marriage With so much choice available it is tempting to keep searching for 'perfection' even when you have met a great potential partner. Don’t make the mistake of losing out on the chance of real happiness with a Russian woman by searching endlessly for ‘the best.’ You will only end up dissatisfied instead of enjoying the company of someone real who you can love.
4. Add a photo.
russian women dating We strongly recommend that you add a photo to your profile. Of course the single Russian women on our site want to read about you, your work, your hobbies and interests but you will get far more interest if they can see what you look like too. Most women are not looking for some male model but they do want to see that you are a real person (not a scammer) and to get an idea of your smile, and the expression in your eyes. Our Russian women welcome the reassurance that you are nice, normal and trustworthy. You may also want to add some photos of your home too which helps to build up the impression of you and your life.
5. Make contact.
sexy russian women We find that men who take the initiative and make first contact enjoy more success with our beautiful Russian women. By all means wait for girls to contact you but you may miss out on many opportunities if you do so. If you are serious about finding a bride then being proactive greatly increases your chances. Carry out searches, look at photos and check out your compatibility scores -then get in touch. Even writing a couple of lines opens up communication and who knows where it will lead? Not only are you taking control of your destiny many Russian women have traditional views and expect the man to get in touch first. Most of them will be delighted that you made the effort and you can begin getting to know each other. Why miss out on the chance to meet your soulmate when the answer lies in your hands?
6. Wink once then start chatting.
dating russian women It can be nerve-racking contacting women to begin with and you may not be sure of what to say. Sending a wink is a fun way to show interest and get started. With any luck your Russian doll will wink right back at you – result! Now, the mistake some men make is in thinking they can carry on flirting by just returning another wink. Sometimes this can go backwards and forwards 6, 7, or even 8 times. By this point we can guarantee that the woman will have lost all interest. So, if your girl returns your wink be confident, take the initiative and send her a few lines to start a conversation. She returned your wink so she’s shown that she’s interested in getting to know you better. Why waste her time and yours when you can be getting to know each other and finding out whether there is chemistry? Fortune favours the brave!
7. Meet up with her.
russian women photos Once you have found a Russian woman you are seriously interested in we would encourage you to make your trip to Russia to see how your relationship works in real life. It can be tempting to wait to line up several ‘candidates’ so that you can visit them all in one trip. However such an approach can backfire as a woman may pick up that you are hesitating and simply lose interest in you. If you like a Russian woman and think she may be the one for you then go for it!
Why do Russian brides register with an agency? Why are Russian brides looking abroad for a husband?
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Russian women looking for men to marry register with sites to increase their chances of finding a life partner. They are looking for love whether with a Russian man or a Westerner.

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In Russia many men simply don’t want to commit to marriage or have children for many reasons including the expense.

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Unlike in the West many Russian men are not supportive as husbands and fathers. Russian women hope that a Western man will be more considerate and understanding.

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Although it is not the main reason it is true that life in Russia is less stable and more unpredictable than in the West and the standard of living is considerably lower.

Many girls come to the agency after distressing divorces. They are looking for a fresh start and are optimistic about finding love the second time around.

Features of the site
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Flexible settings

these include concealing when you are online (except to those you are writing to), choosing whether or not to receive winks, postcards and icebreaks, choosing whether or not to receive notification of new messages.

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Advanced search

you can make your search in our database of Russian women as detailed as you want. Search by city, eye colour, hair colour, number of children, age, compatibility, height, weight, new users and in many others ways.

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Ease of contact

you can use ice-breaks, postcards, winks or simple messages to begin contact with Russian woman you like. Just add a photo to your profile and you can get in touch with all the russian brides on the site. If you want to continue contact simply upgrade your membership.

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Detailed psychological report

our test will profile caring, compatible Russian women for you as well as advising on mistakes to avoid and how to get the most out of your relationship.

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Photo rating

you can get a photo rating or vote for Russian women' pictures. Find the best-looking girls by rating and get in contact.

Useful advice in finding your Russian wife
Step 1
Register with our site and add several clear photos of yourself.
Step 2
Take the initiative - be confident and get in touch with lots of potential partners. 40-50 is a good number.
Step 3
Don’t narrow your options too soon. When you receive replies communicate with several Russian women to find out who you are compatible with. You will soon know whether there is chemistry or not.
Step 4
Keep communication brief but meaningful. If it feels right you can exchange telephone numbers and chat on the phone.
Step 5
If she has children show an interest in them and her family and share information about your own. Gradually get to know each other.
Step 6
After you have spoken for a while, if it feels right then take the next step. Book a hotel in Russia and fly out to meet her and her family.
Step 7
If love is in the air propose. Seize your chance before anyone else finds her.
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